Another shooting? How is this possible?
Wasn't the gun registry supposed to prevent shootings? If an octogenarian can somehow manage to blast away at one of his caregivers, how are we protected from organized crime and disorganized psychopaths?
It's time we did away with the ineffective and wasteful long gun registry.
It's time we did away with the ineffective and wasteful long gun registry.
Labels: Gun Registry
Fish, you need to explore the views of our police officials on this. They have a number of examples where the registry was highly valuable. For example, when a cop is called to a domestic disturbance, he's happy for a heads up that there are firearms where he's headed.
I think the question here is how did this old geezer in a nursing home get access to a firearm at all? It's pretty hard to hide a long gun under a pee soaked mattress, no?
By The Mound of Sound, at 7:22 AM
Fish, I agree with Mound. I am personally for gun control. I believe that people with unstable mind must not have access to a firearm.
By LeDaro, at 7:43 AM
Sorry guys, I'm far from convinced. The gun registry does nothing to protect police officers... believe me keeping my parents safe on the road is a top priority for me and I had not failed to consider it before making this post.
Sure it's nice to know if there's a gun in a house before you go in, but it then becomes a crutch that will probably get more officers killed than anything else. Should they treat a house that does not have a registered firearm any different than a house that does? Not everyone has registered their firearms, particularly those that are most likely to use them against others. Police officers should approach every door that is kicked in as if there could be someone on the other end with a shotgun, not just the houses where they know there is a weapon.
I too favour gun control Ledaro, but it must be effective, not wasteful and useless like the gun registry. I believe in safe storage laws, reasonable restrictions on who can own firearms, requiring that unrestricted firearms be used for hunting and recreational target shooting, etc. I can even understand the requirement that firearms owners take safety courses before being granted firearm possession certificates, but even that is a little redundant, as pretty much all of the provinces required people to have such courses before being granted their hunting licenses.
By Fish, at 9:03 AM
In potentially dangerous situations, Fish, every shred of information they can get helps. If the subject has a permit they know his background and the number and types of weapons they could encounter.
And stop worrying so much about keeping your parents safe on the road. They haven't managed to run you down yet, have they?
By The Mound of Sound, at 9:20 AM
No but not for lack of trying!
By Fish, at 9:26 AM
"In potentially dangerous situations, Fish, every shred of information they can get helps. If the subject has a permit they know his background and the number and types of weapons they could encounter."
The point is they don't KNOW what's in the house. I can legally borrow any unrestricted firearm and I do not have to inform anyone that I have it or where it is stored. How would a police officer KNOW I had that gun in my house? A licensing system would tell an officer that I potentially had firearms and that's the best information to have, and all that should be required. Registering each and every long gun does nothing to help that officer.
As for how does and old man get a gun? Simple - he's legally entitled to own it as long as he has passed all the requirements of licensing and registration. Did anyone suspect he was unstable or report him to the RCMP? The fact that he used it in that fashion shows how useless even licensing can be. The Dawson College shooter was fully licensed, too. Licensing won't stop those kinds of incidents, and we all know that gang members don't generally have licenses anyway.
By The Rat, at 10:57 AM
Well it's curious Rat that when "they" speak of the registry, "they" are firmly in support of it. As "they" are the people who must live with its successes and failures, why should any of us second guess our police forces by knocking down straw men.
By The Mound of Sound, at 1:56 PM
No, "They" are the chiefs of Police, not the officers who actually do the job. Your arguments and their arguments are easily rebutted, as I did by pointing all the borrowing loophole. Just because "They" think it's useful doesn't mean it is. After all, "They" think the Taser is useful yet I bet you and all your friends think it's a brutal torture device of "The Man". Ideologically you agree with the registry so you agree with "Them" on this one.
Licensing provides all the benefits you claim the registry provides. It's cheaper, too.
By The Rat, at 2:24 PM
"...why should any of us second guess our police forces(?)..."
Who are you and what have you done with the Mound of Sound?! Don't make me come after you buddy, that's my friend you've got bound and gagged in your basement!
By Fish, at 2:33 PM
Actually Rat, I'm sorry to disappoint your preconceived notions, but I have always been an advocate of Tasers. At the risk of making you seem foolish (well actually I didn't really do that now did I?), I believe Tasers are a legitimate alternative to the use of deadly force when they're used on the same criteria as an officer without a Taser would be justified in using a firearm.
Nice try though.
By The Mound of Sound, at 2:49 PM
Folks who say that there is no need for controlling gun ownership or registry as people who commit crime will obtain them anyway should realize that the extension of that argument would be why have police because people will commit crimes anyway. It is a wrong argument. Control and registry is one of the important impediments to reduce firearm crimes.
By LeDaro, at 3:03 PM
Nice try Ledaro, but I'm willing to bet that if we got rid of the police force, there would be an explosion in crime, I can't say that I feel the same about the gun registry.
By Fish, at 5:17 AM
Fish, what is going on? Do you have a gun-lobby client?:) That is exactly what I mean that gun registry is a deterrent. Police is a much stronger deterrent. Nothing can and will ever eliminate crime given the human nature but we can try and minimize it.
By LeDaro, at 8:54 AM
Agreed, except for the part about the gun registry being a deterrent. It does not deter crime, because criminals just use unregistered firearms, or people still get shot with registered firearms.
A lot of good can come from licensing requirements and safe storage laws, I just fail to see the usefulness of the registry.
By Fish, at 9:00 AM
Look Fish, there are yet many things you "fail to see" that will be revealed with the experience that only comes in the fullness of time.
And, as for that crack about your folks trying to run you down, I feel really, really bad about that.
Sure, that first incident - well, we'll probably never know. But the second, the fourth, fifth and the ninth - those looked like complete accidents to me. So cut them a bit of slack, give them the benefit of the doubt. They're your parents after all.
By The Mound of Sound, at 9:26 AM
Sorry Mound, I don't feel the slightest bit foolish. If you support Tasers it just shows you have at least a modicum of intelligence. That you can fall back on a fallacious appeal-to-authority argument when you can't rebut the points I made is also revealing. What you need to do is show that the registry, and not licensing, works towards the outcome you desire. It seems to me that police safety is simply a cover for the real outcome which is the end of private firearm ownership. We know that the registry originally contained high yearly fees to keep guns registered, the idea was very much to make it financially tough to keep private firearms. At $25 per I would be paying over $150 a year for that, and most of my firearms are worth less than $300. We also know that the registry can be used to confiscate firearms more easily when an OIC makes some firearm prohibited, as Paul Martin promised to do with all hand guns and semi-auto long guns. Those goals are separate from the goal of making police safer.
By The Rat, at 10:08 AM
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素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう
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グリーで提供しているのは他社にはできない出 会 い。質の悪い出 会 いよりも質の良いものを提供しております。体験してもらえれば違いは一目瞭然
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By グリー, at 1:58 AM
ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
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